Friday, September 13, 2013

Remakes, Acid Trips and Moonwalks - Trailer Reviews for the Week of Sept 13

Quick disclaimer before we begin.  The trailer for "The Neighbours" features a little bit of colourful language and a mild sex scene.  It's marked as a Red Band trailer.

Some pretty cool trailers to look at this week, so get your ADD riddled attention spans ready!  I've embedded the trailers, but the videos tend to be pretty small, so I've also linked to them on Youtube.  If you're reading this on an iOS device that should help as well.

RoboCop (Feb 7 2014)

As soon as I heard that a RoboCop remake was coming out I was worried.  The 1987 version is a classic, and still holds up today.   Not only was it a great action film, but it worked as an allegory for the   technological advances that were starting to come up in the 1980's.  Plus, the dad from That 70's Show played the bad guy, which is always fun.

I was worried the 2014 version would be a straight forward action move in the vein of the new GI Joe franchise, 90 minutes of blowing shit up for the sake of blowing shit up.  But this trailer, featuring the sleazy cop from AMC's The Killing in his first starring role in a major movie, Jay Baruchel (with a beard!) and Samuel L Jackson (of course) gave me some hope for the movie.  Much of the trailer seems to focus on the battle for free will that goes on between Robo and Cop.  It'll be interesting to see if the moralistic view of the original has a counterpart in the remake.  Either way, things will go boom, and it will be sure to look great in IMAX.

Trailer: 3.5 Stars.
See It.   Tentative.  Future trailers very well may change this.

Under the Skin (No Release Date)

This is a great example of what's known as a teaser, as opposed to a full blown trailer.  It comes in at only 53 seconds, and gives little to no idea of what the film is actually about.  Bonus points for the creepy music in the background, and you'll always win me over with a shot of a scantily clad Scar Jo.  The trailer watches like an acid trip fever dream with Johansson as your tour guide, so if that's your kinda thing, then sweet.  I was annoyed at how it just abruptly ended in the middle of a shot, but I guess that's why they call it a 'Teaser'.

Trailer: 3 Stars
Too early to make a call on 'See it, Skip it', unless you're a huge Scarlett Johannson fan, in which case this headline already has you convinced.

Neighbors (May 9 2014)

The trailer opens up with a great concept (fraternity moves in beside young couple), shows some great footage (Seth Rogen getting blown up by an airbag chair) features a great cast (Rogen, McLovin, and Zac Efron -- who is turning into a talent since his Disney days.)  But still, warning bells are going off in my brain as I watch this.  While the movie features lots of branches from the Judd Apatow tree of comedy, Apatow himself isn't involved, which leaves me a little worried.  Despite the fact that the trailer was well put together, I only found myself laughing hard once -- in the aforementioned airbag scene.  I'm really rooting for this movie, I love Seth Rogen and will go see pretty much anything he's involved in, but the trailer left me wanting more.  Music selection could've done much better than Lil Jon as well.

Trailer: 3.5 Stars
See It   But temper expectations...

Gravity (October 4)

Gravity has been my most anticipated film of the year ever since I saw the first three trailers about a month ago.  The idea of floating aimlessly in space absolutely terrifies me, while also somehow seeming incredibly appealing.  This newest (and final trailer) touches on that feeling of existential dread, of the nothingness that's in space with the screen captions at the beginning.  It's wonderfully crafted, starting in silence, then throwing you into two minutes of chaos, before once again ending in silence.

The movie is full of stars (ha, see what I did there?) with Sandra Bullock as the lead, George Clooney helping her over the mic (really, who else would you rather have walk you through a crisis than Clooney?) and Alfonso CuarĂ³n (Children of Men) behind the camera making his signature long breathtaking shots.  I'm sold.

Trailer: 4.5 Stars
See It (In IMAX)

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