Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Divorce, Doubles, Homeless Paul's. Trailer Reviews for October 8.

This week's reviews feature a cute, trendy Romantic Comedy, an adaptation of one of my favourite authours short stories with Jesse Eisenberg, and a movie with two Pauls.  Let's get to it!

I'm a sucker for this type of movie.  The quirky, fun, romantic comedy that's just smart enough so that I don't feel guilty about shelling out twelve dollars.  It features cool actors whose names most people remember like Ben from Parks & Rec (who really needs to start getting more recognition, he's becoming the new Paul Rudd), The Kid With Glasses From Hot Tub Time Machine, The Dad From Stepbrothers, and Sue Sylvester.  Oh and hey!  Amy Poehler and Jessica Alba, bonus!

These movies are coming out more and more frequently as Hollywood tried to tap into the young market that considers themselves too cool and smart for more basic, formulaic, Rom-Com's.  I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I'll definitely continue to gobble films like this up -- they're perfect date movies.

The trailer for this movie is really well done.  The beginning provides a great hook, since you're presumably already wondering what A.C.O.D stands for if you know the name of the movie already. When it's revealed to stand for "Adult Children of Divorce", the trailer has just captured the full attention of (by its own proclemation) 54% of the population.  "Look guys this movie is about meeeeeee" all of the grown up children of divorce are presumably supposed to say.  For everyone else, the movie seems merely like a nice way to spend 90 minutes.

I really enjoyed the way the trailer played with the conventional roles of some of the actors I mentioned above.  People who watch Parks & Rec are obviously used to seeing Adam Scott and Poehler in a romantic relationship, but here she is playing his father's new squeeze.  My favourite moment of the trailer was the line by Jane Lynch that she's "not a therapist".  I'd rolled my eyes at the beginning when she appeared to be reprising that role, which she's done several times.  The trailer knew I would expect that and gave me a nice little wink.

Music's used well, particularly with a nice Okkerill River tune that sets the tone at the 1:15 mark.

I'm looking forward to this movie.  It's going to be a funny, cute, heartwarming story, and I'm sure my girlfriend and I will enjoy it in theatres.  It has the potential to say something new and different about a very interesting topic, and one that's becoming more relevant with more children of divorce growing up and taking larger roles in society.  Hopefully it can touch on that, instead of becoming just another "quirky" 2010's Rom-Com.

Trailer: 4 Stars
See It.

What's better than Jesse Eisenberg?  How about TWO Jesse Eisenberg's!  I love this kid, he can really act.  This trailer was shown during the Toronto International Film Festival, and while it's pretty vague, it got me excited for the movie.

The Double was a short story written by Russian authour Fyodor Dostoevsky.  It's got kind of a trippy hallucinatory feel to it, which is shown really well in the trailer.  Typical Dostoevskian themes of existentialism are explored in the story, and it'll be up to Eisenberg to convey that.  I think he's got the chops to nail this character.

I'm a fan of this kind of trailer, one that doesn't give away any lines, instead just trying to give the viewer a feel of the atmosphere of the movie.  The music choice and the fast moving camera really does build excitement and intrigue.  It's short and sweet, inviting the viewer to go find out more about the movie instead of overwhelming them.

Trailer: 4.5 Stars
See It (If you can find it.  Seems doubtful to get a wide release)

So this is about Paul's Rudd and Giamatti's homeless facial hair?

No?  Okay...

I've never really liked Christmas movies.  They're usually too corny, you can only watch them one month out of the year, and they tend to fall into all the usual tropes.  Except for Home Alone 1&2. Don't talk shit about Kevin McCallister 

Sigh... So much promise Macauley....

Anyway, this Christmas movie appeals to me.  It's dark, but looks absolutely hilarious.  And I have no idea how much a tree costs either Paul Giamatti, so don't feel bad.  Props to Paul Rudd for the Team Canada Hockey toque.

Trailer: 3 Stars
See It (And then re-watch Home Alone while weeping for poor Kevin McCalister.)

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