"Let's take one of the most implausible but sacred Bible stories ever and turn it into a major motion picture featuring four superstars."
Tall order, but if anyone is up to the task, it's Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream). I'm really interested to see what he does with the source material here. I mean, he's talking about a guy who got visions from God about a world destroying flood who proceeds to build a science defying boat that was somehow able to fit two of every animal on it. And that flood kills everyone except for his family, who then has to repopulate the planet?
I don't even want to think about Russel Crowe and Emma Watson like that. Just... no.
I've got no religious bias towards this story, but it's obviously going to draw some interest with the Christian crowd so it should be interesting to see how Aronofsky handles that aspect of it. For the record, my favourite take on the Noah story is a wonderful novel by a Canadian authour, so if this movie can somehow use the old tale to comment upon today's society in a meaningful way like that book did, I'll be impressed.
The trailer itself it's incredibly well shot. Aronofsky isn't known for shooting breathtaking nature or battle scenes, but the glimpses we do get of the storm and of the King's crew attacking the arc look pretty impressive. If those shots can be combined with the director's ability to really dig into the heart and soul of his actors, the movie should be worth a watch at least.
Also, badass movie poster.
Trailer: 4.5 stars
See it.
Alright, disclaimer; I'm a massive Justin Long fan. I've been told that I remind people of his character from Waiting and this makes me unreasonably happy. So I'll be checking this out at some point.
The trailer starts off great; drunk best man dies at wedding. Awesome premise. The shift in tone from 'happy go lucky wedding vibe' to 'best friend's dead vibe' around 0:35 is jarring -- in a good way. It subverts your expectations of what the trailer is going to be like.
But then around the 1 minute mark it gets way too sappy, and I lose interest. What could've been a really neat, different, quirky movie trailer turns into something about "finding out who your friends really are". I got real bored real quick.
That being said, I really enjoyed the line "He's not your best friend, just your oldest friend". Anyone in their mid twenties can identify with that, I think.
Trailer: 3 stars
Skip it. (Unless you're a Justin Long fan, in which case we should probably hang out and go see it together)
*Screen Wipe*
From the creator of Love Actually....and Notting Hill...
*End Wipe*
I see where this is going....
Alright, this might seem like the typical three-act romantic comedy that I will never, ever stop making fun of, but I'm actually holding out some hope for a few reasons:
A) Time Travel
Time travel is badass, and always will be. I will watch anything about Time Travel, because one day, damnit, I'm going to go forward in time and come back with all of the sporting results I need to be a professional gambler who never loses. My fantasy football teams will be unreal.
B) British Accents
FAAAAAANK YOUUUUUUUUU. (1:20 mark) It's adorable every time.
Canadian icon.
D) My girlfriend wants to go see it.
We're actually going tonight, so yep. Getcha popcorn ready!
Nice little trailer, but it gave away too much. I think. Time travel really screws with narrative in trailers. Bonus marks for the Of Monsters and Men tune they use throughout the trailer. Here's a cool video for that song.
Trailer: 3 stars
See it on a date night.
Trailer: 3 stars
See it on a date night.
Cheers guys. Happy weekend!